Random Walk - Part 3
In this third part we want to make things a little more interactive. To do this, we will imagine that the mouse pointer blows a jet of air and pushes the walker away from it.
This will be implemented by taking the x y coordinates of the walker and the mouse pointer at the point the mouse button is pressed and then move the walker away from the mouse pointer. This will be handled by the blow_away function. In this function we will calculate the direction vector from the mouse pointer to the walker, normalise the direction vector and finally move the walker in the direction away from the mouse pointer using that normalised vector.
The updated Rust code
use minifb::{Key, MouseButton, Window, WindowOptions}; use rand::Rng; // Define the size of the window. const WIDTH: usize = 800; const HEIGHT: usize = 600; // Define the size of the dot as an odd number so the "centre" aligns with the walker's (x, y). const DOT_SIZE: usize = 5; // Define fade speed. const FADE_SPEED: u16 = 15; // Define struct to store the walker's position. struct Walker { x: f32, y: f32, } // Define methods for the Walker. impl Walker { fn new() -> Self { Walker { x: (WIDTH / 2) as f32, y: (HEIGHT / 2) as f32, } } fn step(&mut self) { // 8 random directions. let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let angle = rng.gen_range(0.0_f32..360.0_f32).to_radians(); let dx = angle.cos(); let dy = angle.sin(); self.x = (self.x + dx).clamp(0.0, (WIDTH - 1) as f32); self.y = (self.y + dy).clamp(0.0, (HEIGHT - 1) as f32); } fn blow_away(&mut self, mouse_x: f32, mouse_y: f32) { // Calculate direction vector from the mouse pointer to the walker. let delta_x = self.x - mouse_x; let delta_y = self.y - mouse_y; // Normalise the vector to calculate the unit direction vector. let distance = (delta_x.powi(2) + delta_y.powi(2)).sqrt(); if distance > 0.0 { let unit_x = delta_x / distance; let unit_y = delta_y / distance; // Move in the direction away from the mouse. self.x = (self.x + unit_x).clamp(0.0, (WIDTH - 1) as f32); self.y = (self.y + unit_y).clamp(0.0, (HEIGHT - 1) as f32); } } fn show(&self, buffer: &mut [u32]) { // Plot a small DOT_SIZE x DOT_SIZE block around (x, y). let half = (DOT_SIZE / 2) as isize; for dy in -half..=half { for dx in -half..=half { let px = self.x as isize + dx; let py = self.y as isize + dy; if px >= 0 && px < WIDTH as isize && py >= 0 && py < HEIGHT as isize { buffer[py as usize * WIDTH + px as usize] = 0x000000; // black } } } } } fn main() { // Create a window with default options. let mut window = Window::new( "Random Walk with Mouse Interaction (Away Direction)", WIDTH, HEIGHT, WindowOptions::default(), ) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!("Failed to create window: {}", e); }); let mut temp_pixel: u32; let mut fade_speed: u16 = FADE_SPEED; // Create a buffer for the entire screen, initialised to white. let mut buffer = vec![0xFFFFFF; WIDTH * HEIGHT]; // Create our Walker. let mut walker = Walker::new(); // Main event loop. while window.is_open() && !window.is_key_down(Key::Escape) { if fade_speed == 0 { // Fade the buffer to white. for pixel in buffer.iter_mut() { if *pixel != 0xFFFFFF { temp_pixel = *pixel; temp_pixel += 0x010101; if temp_pixel > 0xFFFFFF { *pixel = 0xFFFFFF; } else { *pixel = temp_pixel; } } } fade_speed = FADE_SPEED; } else { fade_speed -= 1; } // Check mouse position and button state. if let Some((mouse_x, mouse_y)) = window.get_mouse_pos(minifb::MouseMode::Clamp) { let mouse_x = mouse_x as f32; let mouse_y = mouse_y as f32; if window.get_mouse_down(MouseButton::Left) { walker.blow_away(mouse_x, mouse_y); } else { walker.step(); } } else { walker.step(); } // Draw the new position with a larger dot. walker.show(&mut buffer); // Render the updated buffer. window .update_with_buffer(&buffer, WIDTH, HEIGHT) .unwrap(); } }
[package] name = "randomwalk" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" [dependencies] minifb = "0.27.0" rand = "0.8"
The image produced:

Mission Accomplished
And there we have it, our walk is blown away from the mouse pointer.