Marsaglia's Universal Random Number Generator

A Rust implementation of Marsaglia's Universal Random Number Generator


As part of our percolation simulation project, I wanted a reliable and predictable way of generating a random number from a given seed. This number must always be the same if the seed is the same.

In 1990 a paper called "Toward a universal random number generator" by George Marsaglia, Arif Zaman, Wai Wan Tsang was published in Statistics & Probability Letters Volume 9, Issue 1.

The universal random number generator algorithm was developed by George Marsagli of the Supercomputer Computations Research Institute (SCRI) at Florida State University. Dr. MarsagIia's random number generator has passed stringent tests for randomness and independence and it generates exactly the same sequence of 24-bit real numbers on a variety of computers systems. The algorithm has been implemented in a variety of computer languages (Fortran, Basic, Pascal, Modula-2, C, Ada and others) and tested on various computers including TRS80, Macintosh, Commodore, Kaypro, IBM PC, Vax, IBM 360/370, CDC Cyber 205, and Sun Microsystems 3/50 . The algorithm was tailored for reproducibility in all CPU's with at least 16 bit integer arithmetic and 24 bit floating point.

The first version of this code I came across was written in C and was used as part of a Message Passing Programming (MPI) assignment for my MSc in High Performance Computing at EPCC. It was this C version of the code that I based my Rust implementation on.

The Rust code for Unirand

// Rust version of Marsaglia's UNI random number generator
// Ported from C version provided by Edinburough University
// Ported to Rust in 2023 by under MIT License

const LEN_U: usize = 98; // Constant defining the length of the random values array.

// A struct representing Marsaglia's Universal Random Number Generator.
struct MarsagliaUniRng {
    uni_u: [f32; LEN_U], // Array holding the recent random numbers.
    uni_c: f32, 		// Correction to avoid periodicity.
    uni_cd: f32, 		// Correction delta value.
    uni_cm: f32,		// Correction modulus.
    uni_ui: usize,		// Current position in the random values array.
    uni_uj: usize,

impl MarsagliaUniRng {
// Constructor for the random number generator.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            uni_u: [0.0; LEN_U],
            uni_c: 0.0,
            uni_cd: 0.0,
            uni_cm: 0.0,
            uni_ui: 0,
            uni_uj: 0,
// Generate a new random float value between 0 and 1
pub fn uni(&mut self) -> f32 {
    let mut luni = self.uni_u[self.uni_ui] - self.uni_u[self.uni_uj];
    if luni < 0.0 {
        luni += 1.0;
    self.uni_u[self.uni_ui] = luni;
// Adjust indices for the next random number generation.
    if self.uni_ui == 0 {
        self.uni_ui = 97;
    } else {
        self.uni_ui -= 1;
    if self.uni_uj == 0 {
        self.uni_uj = 97;
    } else {
        self.uni_uj -= 1;

    self.uni_c -= self.uni_cd;
    if self.uni_c < 0.0 {
        self.uni_c += self.uni_cm;

    luni -= self.uni_c;
    if luni < 0.0 {
        luni += 1.0;

// Initialises the random values array using four seeds.
    pub fn rstart(&mut self, i: i32, j: i32, k: i32, l: i32) {
        let mut i = i;
        let mut j = j;
        let mut k = k;
        let mut l = l;
        for ii in 1..=97 {
            let mut s = 0.0;
            let mut t = 0.5;
            for _jj in 1..=24 {
                let m = ((i * j % 179) * k) % 179;
                i = j;
                j = k;
                k = m;
                l = (53 * l + 1) % 169;
                if l * m % 64 >= 32 {
                    s += t;
                t *= 0.5;
            self.uni_u[ii] = s;
// Set fixed correction values
        self.uni_c = 362436.0 / 16777216.0;
        self.uni_cd = 7654321.0 / 16777216.0;
        self.uni_cm = 16777213.0 / 16777216.0;
        self.uni_ui = 97;
        self.uni_uj = 33;

// Validates and decomposes a single seed into four seeds, then initialises the random values array.
    pub fn rinit(&mut self, ijkl: i32) {
        if ijkl < 0 || ijkl > 900_000_000 {
            panic!("rinit: ijkl = {} -- out of range", ijkl);

        let ij = ijkl / 30082;
        let kl = ijkl - (30082 * ij);
        let i = ((ij / 177) % 177) + 2;
        let j = (ij % 177) + 2;
        let k = ((kl / 169) % 178) + 1;
        let l = kl % 169;

        if i <= 0 || i > 178 {
            panic!("rinit: i = {} -- out of range", i);
        if j <= 0 || j > 178 {
            panic!("rinit: j = {} -- out of range", j);
        if k <= 0 || k > 178 {
            panic!("rinit: k = {} -- out of range", k);
        if l < 0 || l > 168 {
            panic!("rinit: l = {} -- out of range", l);
        if i == 1 && j == 1 && k == 1 {
            panic!("rinit: 1 1 1 not allowed for 1st 3 seeds");

        self.rstart(i, j, k, l);

// Example of how to use the Marsaglia's UNI random number generator.
fn main() {
    let mut rng = MarsagliaUniRng::new(); 	// Create a new random number generator instance.
    rng.rinit(170);							// Initialise it with a seed.
    println!("Random Number: {}", rng.uni()); // Generate and print a random number.

Unirand Output

me@pi:~/rust/unirand$ cargo run
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
Running `target/debug/unirand`
Random Number: 0.68753344

Mission Accomplished

And there we have it, a functioning Marsaglia's Universal Random Number Generator! The run with a seed of 170 gave a random number of 0.68753344, which matches the output of the referance C implementation.